

兩千多年前,大慈大悲的釋迦牟尼佛降臨世間,開始教化眾生,告訴我們離苦的方法、健康的方法、覺悟的途徑。佛陀的教化改變了我的生命,使我心中升起堅定的願望 — 希望佛陀賜予我的慈悲法力,能讓有緣的你獲得身心靈的健康快樂。
重溫直播 【19年韓國浴佛節】

On this highly auspicious and magnificent day - the 2019 Bathing the Buddha festival - I was joined by all of you at Busan, South Korea, as we venerate and sing in praise to the Great Buddha.
More than 2000 years ago, the Great Compassionate Sakyamuni Buddha descended upon our world and began to enlighten sentient beings, guiding us the path out of sufferings, be healthy, and the approach towards enlightenment.
The teachings of the Buddha changed my life and elevated my heart with an unwavering aspiration - that with the compassionate spiritual powers bestowed by the Buddha and our positive karmic connections, you may gain the health and happiness of both body and mind.
Following the successful completion of our Korean Chanting class, many of our friends were chanting for the first time. In just 7 days, some of their bodily pain was relieved, some recovered from depression, and some mother-and-son resolved the knot in their hearts that had plagued them for 10 years! I was deeply moved by the testimonies at the class. All these were possible due to the compassion of the Buddha.
I welcome everyone to join me in sincerely venerating the Buddha, and be showered with his most auspicious blessings! Let us review the "2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony in Korea"
圖像裡可能有2 個人、微笑的人
圖像裡可能有6 個人、小孩

