
佛前供灯 「喜获龙凤胎孙」

佛前供灯 「喜获龙凤胎孙」!Seeing the LIGHT of happiness
- 林亚弟的故事
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*This sharing represents the sharer's personal view. It does not represent the view point of Bodhi Meditation nor its Facebook Page. Benefits from meditation varies for individuals.
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“让梦想更有力量” - 理徐的故事

菩提禅修青年营 Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp
“让梦想更有力量” - 理徐的故事
"BMYC strengthen my willpower to fulfill my dream" Jane
☆ 有夢想,就不怕困難 ☆

☆ 堅定夢想,慈悲助人 ☆
☆ Destiny in My Hands ☆
My father passed away four years ago. I was devastated and could not accept the fact that doctors in Canada and Taiwan had been unable to come up with a diagnosis. I made a promise to my father that I would study hard in order to one day discover the cause of his illness, and to become a top-notch doctor capable of helping many people. I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform academically, as I feared disappointing him. There were times when I felt I’d lost the meaning and purpose of life.
The theme for this camp was “Destiny In My Hands.” Master JinBodhi and several teachers shared with us the importance of striving for goals. Once, Master shared a story about a young girl who aspired to be a doctor after her mother died of cancer. She wanted to discover a cure for it. His words captured my aspirations and gave me peace.
☆ Compassion in Motion ☆
During the course, Master shared with us the challenges that children in Myanmar face. Looking at pictures of their dilapidated classrooms, my heart went out to them.
I want to help these poverty-stricken children. As I learned more about the struggles of the people in Myanmar, my dream of being a doctor expanded to include medical missions to help the disenfranchised.
Back in Canada after the camp, I decided to start saving so that I would have the financial means to travel to Myanmar during my school break. I’ve learned to put compassion in motion.
This was my most memorable camp. My deepest gratitude to Master for helping me clarify my life’s purpose and strengthen my willpower so that I may realize my cherished dream.
The intent of the testimonial is to offer wellness information of a general nature. Individual results of practice may vary.
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菩提禅修「青年营」Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp
★ 第一期 ★
🗓 日期:2019年5月31日 至 6月9日
🗺 地点:馬來西亞_吧生龍泉禪堂
✆ 603-3345 6688
★ 第二期 ★
🗓 日期:2019年7月25日 至 8月3日
🗺 地点:台灣_台中菩提禪堂
Due to limited spaces, please quickly register if you are interested!!!
To enroll, please contact your local Bodhi Meditation Center and register through them. For further enquiries, feel free to contact us
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#见证禅修 #MeditationJournal
*分享人的意见仅代表个人观点, 不代表菩提禅修Facebook 或观点; 禅修效果会因人而异。
*This sharing represents the sharer's personal view. It does not represent the view point of Bodhi Meditation nor its Facebook Page. Benefits from meditation varies for individual
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Don’t want to be sick? Deal with negative emotions first.
Recently, I saw a report online in which a psychologist mentioned: “A person’s mental state is analogous to the software of a computer while the physical state is like the hardware. Both are equally important. Harmony is the essence of health; a harmonious mood is the software of a healthy body.”
This aligns very well to the observation I have made over the years from my meditation experience. Keeping an optimistic and positive mentality leads to longevity, improved immunity and good health.
These are my wishes for everybody:
Always be grateful and thankful to our parents who gave us life and brought us up!
Always be grateful and thankful to those who educate us and helped us grow!
Always be grateful and thankful to all who have helped us in the past!
Always be grateful and thankful to all things on heaven and on earth that have blessed me with all that I have in my life!
Always be grateful and thankful to the Bodhisattvas for the happiness and good fortune that I have been blessed with!



🧘‍♀ 問:「走「八卦」半年多,10年的腰痛消失了,是不是代表完全好了?」

【Energy Bagua Q&A】 When can I stop practicing Energy Bagua?
Question: [After practicing Energy Bagua for half a year, my 10 years of backache disappeared- does this mean I have fully recovered?]
My reply: Maybe not.
The key to cultivation lies in perseverance. This cultivation method does not take up a lot of time each day. Therefore, it is best that you do not stop your practice. If you can practice every day, you will accumulate energy and skills over time and your body will start to show signs of improvement. However, that does not mean that your illness and discomfort is gone forever and will not relapse.
Our human body is a living organism made up of numerous living cells. As we need to consume different food every day, could we can get infected with diseases easily?
Besides, our emotional fluctuations may cause bodily discomfort, blockages or diseases. Hence, there is no guarantee that we have fully recovered and will not suffer a relapse. This is why I will advise everyone to continue with your practice. Through perseverance, our health will keep improving.
Once, when I was sharing about Energy Bagua during a live broadcast, someone said: “Master, after practicing Energy Bagua, I recovered from Hay fever, an illness which had afflicted me for many years! Because I was afraid of the cold, I used to have to wear 4 layers of clothes during winter when others only have to wear 2 layers. During summer, I even had to carry a thick sweater with me. Now, my body has improved. Even when I come into contact with pollen in spring, my body does not have any adverse reaction.” When I heard this, I felt very happy.
He continued to ask: “Does this mean that from now on, my body will not respond to pollen?” I hope this is the case, however, I hope he will continue with his practice.
An illness can be attributed to many reasons, for instance, through eating rice, drinking water, breathing, emotional changes and working environment. All these could potentially cause us to fall sick. In addition, some of our illness may be caused by genetic factors which we inherit from our ancestors. Therefore, do not joke and say things like: “He has a family history of liver cancer, I do not have.”
Actually, everyone’s ancestors go back a few hundred generations. Over tens of thousands of years, our body contains mute, deaf, cancer and heart attack genes. Hence, diseases can inflict us any time. It is just that if any of an illness afflicts our ancestors in the recent 3rd to 5th generations, the chances of us getting the same disease is much higher.
Since the sources of diseases are so diversified, it is very difficult for our body to defend against them. The only way for us to maintain our health is to spend some time each day to practice Energy Bagua. However, once we stop practicing, our health may deteriorate. Hence, I hope everybody will continue with your Energy Bagua practice.
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慈悲音《英文袈裟書》 链接:https://www.cibeiyin.com/v103006250001
🎊Congratulations!🎊】《English version of Buddhist Robes》 is published!
Good news for our English readers- the long-awaited English version of Buddhist Robes is published!
Though this book is easy to read and understand, it is highly inspirational!
The book records my numerous amazing magical encounters during my practice as well as the experiences and sentiments I had in the process of teaching the dharma and helping people. It is a golden key to compassion, good health and happiness.
Through receiving life’s inspiration to untie their heart knots, many people managed to find a path out of their current difficult situation to gain a new lease of life- a life filled with sunshine and hope. Some even had a deeper comprehending of the true meaning of life. The spiritual realm of these group of people had elevated and transcended to a higher level to bring them health and happiness.
May those with the opportunity to read Buddhist Robes:
lead a colourful, illuminated and happy life!
May Buddhist Robes bring you health and happiness!
 For a copy of the English version of Buddhist Robes: 
Visit Cibeiyin English Buddhist Robes link: https://www.cibeiyin.com/v103006250001
Or you can also contact Bodhi Meditation Centers worldwide at https://www.puti.org/en/worldwide-centers/
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兩千多年前,大慈大悲的釋迦牟尼佛降臨世間,開始教化眾生,告訴我們離苦的方法、健康的方法、覺悟的途徑。佛陀的教化改變了我的生命,使我心中升起堅定的願望 — 希望佛陀賜予我的慈悲法力,能讓有緣的你獲得身心靈的健康快樂。
重溫直播 【19年韓國浴佛節】

On this highly auspicious and magnificent day - the 2019 Bathing the Buddha festival - I was joined by all of you at Busan, South Korea, as we venerate and sing in praise to the Great Buddha.
More than 2000 years ago, the Great Compassionate Sakyamuni Buddha descended upon our world and began to enlighten sentient beings, guiding us the path out of sufferings, be healthy, and the approach towards enlightenment.
The teachings of the Buddha changed my life and elevated my heart with an unwavering aspiration - that with the compassionate spiritual powers bestowed by the Buddha and our positive karmic connections, you may gain the health and happiness of both body and mind.
Following the successful completion of our Korean Chanting class, many of our friends were chanting for the first time. In just 7 days, some of their bodily pain was relieved, some recovered from depression, and some mother-and-son resolved the knot in their hearts that had plagued them for 10 years! I was deeply moved by the testimonies at the class. All these were possible due to the compassion of the Buddha.
I welcome everyone to join me in sincerely venerating the Buddha, and be showered with his most auspicious blessings! Let us review the "2019 Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony in Korea"
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[Master JinBodhi’s Aphorism]
(What exactly does “Energy Bagua” contain?)
It usually includes yin and yang, men and women; mountains and valleys; dry and wet; good and bad; hot and cold; summer and winter.
Many things in this world have two different sides, and the significance lies in finding their equilibrium point.
We can only be healthy if we find and grasp the central point from both sides. 
From the perspective of general health, learning to grasp the equilibrium point and grasping various types of balances will then make us healthier, happier, and live longer.
If you are able to grasp the equilibrium at the spiritual level, then you will not be easily disappointed, upset and troubled. You can easily resolve your troubles whenever afflictions arise.
内容摘自 金菩提禅师FB直播《20190325-想念大家-随便聊聊》
Extracted from Master JinBodhi's Live Broadcast 20190325- Thinking of all of you and just having a casual chat here.
图(Photo): https://www.facebook.com/…/a.151884108798…/332602834060049/…
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【金菩提禪師網路直播 - 2019年浴佛節吉祥大加持法会】

歡迎下载、收看【金菩提禪師網路直播 - 2019年浴佛節吉祥大加持法会】的高清視頻